Prescription Drug Affordability Stakeholder Council - 2023

The purpose of the Prescription Drug Affordability Stakeholder Council is to provide stakeholder input to assist the Board in making decisions to protect the State, its residents, and other stakeholders in the Maryland health care system.

The Stakeholder Council consists of 26 members, jointly appointed by the Speaker of the House, the President of the Senate, and the Governor. From among the membership of the Council, the Chair of the Board appoints two members to serve as co-chairs. A member's term is three years, with the initial members serving staggered terms as required under Md. Code Ann., Health-General § 21-2C-04.

You can ​find a current roster of the Stakeholder Council here (Updated 12/11/2023).

The Stakeholder Council's current schedule can be found below:

December 18, 2023

The December meeting of the Stakeholder Council will be held on December 18, 2023, at 2:00 pm ET. The meeting will be held remotely, and the public can ​register for the meeting here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email  with information about joining the meeting. PDAB staff politely requests that yo mute your line after entering the meeting.

The Stakeholder Council has set aside an opportunity for public comment during the meeting. In the interest of holding an orderly, efficient meeting, public comments must concern agenda items for this meeting and will be subject to a time limit of one minute and thirty seconds per comment. You may view the agenda for this meeting when it is posted below. If you are interested in securing a slot to speak to the Council, please email by the close of business Thursday, December 14, 2023, with (1) your name, (2) your email address, and (3) the agenda item your comment will address. PDAB staff will reach out to you directly to confirm your reservation or provide additional details.

The Stakeholder Council also provides the public with the opportunity to provide written comments, which may be submitted via at any time. PDAB staff will provide the comments to the Council at regular intervals and prior to each meeting. Additional presentation materials will be uploaded and posted here as they are received.

Comments Received

October 23, 2023

The October meeting of the Stakeholder Council will be held on October 23, 2023, at 2:00 pm ET. The meeting will be held remotely, and the public can ​register for the meeting here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting. PDAB staff politely requests that you mute your line after entering the meeting.

The Stakeholder Council has set aside an opportunity for public comment during the meeting. In the interest of holding an orderly, efficient meeting, public comments must concern agenda items for this meeting and will be subject to a time limit of one minute and thirty seconds per comment. You may view the agenda for this meeting when it is posted below. If you are interested in securing a slot to speak to the Council, please email by the close of business Thursday, October 19, 2023, with (1) your name, (2) your email address, and (3) the agenda item your comment will address. PDAB staff will reach out to you directly to confirm your reservation or provide additional details.

The Stakeholder Council also provides the public with the opportunity to provide written comments, which may be submitted via at any time. PDAB staff will provide the comments to the Council at regular intervals and prior to each meeting. Additional presentation materials will be uploaded and posted here as they are received.

Comments Received after the Deadline:

August 28, 2023

The August meeting of the Stakeholder Council will be held on August 28, 2023, at 2:00 pm ET. The meeting will be held remotely, and the public can ​register for the meeting here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting. PDAB staff politely requests that you mute your line after entering the meeting.

The Stakeholder Council has set aside an opportunity for public comment during the meeting. In the interest of holding an orderly, efficient meeting, public comments must concern agenda items for this meeting and will be subject to a time limit of one minute and thirty seconds per comment. You may view the agenda for this meeting when it is posted below. If you are interested in securing a slot to speak to the Council, please email by Friday, August 25, 2023, to the day of the meeting with (1) your name, (2) your email address, and (3) the agenda item your comment will address. PDAB staff will reach out to you directly to confirm your reservation or provide additional details.

The Stakeholder Council also provides the public with the opportunity to provide written comments, which may be submitted via at any time. PDAB staff will provide the comments to the Council at regular intervals and prior to each meeting. Additional presentation materials will be uploaded and posted here as they are received.

June 26, 2023

The June meeting of the Stakeholder Council will be held on June 26, 2023, at 2:00 pm ET. The meeting will be held remotely, and the public can ​register for the meeting here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting. PDAB staff politely requests that you mute your line after entering the meeting.

The Stakeholder Council has set aside an opportunity for public comment during the meeting. In the interest of holding an orderly, efficient meeting, public comments must concern agenda items for this meeting and will be subject to a time limit of one minute and thirty seconds per comment. You may view the agenda for this meeting when it is posted below. If you are interested in securing a slot to speak to the Council, please email by Friday, June 23, 2023, to the day of the meeting with (1) your name, (2) your email address, and (3) the agenda item your comment will address. PDAB staff will reach out to you directly to confirm your reservation or provide additional details.

The Stakeholder Council also provides the public with the opportunity to provide written comments, which may be submitted via at any time. PDAB staff will provide the comments to the Council at regular intervals and prior to each meeting. Additional presentation materials will be uploaded and posted here as they are received.

April 24, 2023

The April meeting of the Stakeholder Council will be held on April 24, 2023, at 2:00 pm ET. The meeting will be held remotely, and the public can ​register for the meeting here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting. PDAB staff politely requests that you mute your line after entering the meeting.

The Stakeholder Council has set aside an opportunity for public comment during the meeting. In the interest of holding an orderly, efficient meeting, public comments must concern agenda items for this meeting and will be subject to a time limit of one minute and thirty seconds per comment. You may view the agenda for this meeting when it is posted below. If you are interested in securing a slot to speak to the Council, please email by Friday, April 21, 2023, to the day of the meeting with (1) your name, (2) your email address, and (3) the agenda item your comment will address. PDAB staff will reach out to you directly to confirm your reservation or provide additional details.

The Stakeholder Council also provides the public with the opportunity to provide written comments, which may be submitted via at any time. PDAB staff will provide the comments to the Council at regular intervals and prior to each meeting. Additional presentation materials will be uploaded and posted here as they are received.

February 27, 2023

The February meeting of the Stakeholder Council will be held on February 27, 2023, at 2:00 pm ET. The meeting will be held remotely, and the public can ​register for the meeting here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting. PDAB staff politely requests that you mute your line after entering the meeting.

The Stakeholder Council has set aside an opportunity for public comment during the meeting. In the interest of holding an orderly, efficient meeting, public comments must concern agenda items for this meeting and will be subject to a time limit of one minute and thirty seconds per comment. You may view the agenda for this meeting when it is posted below. If you are interested in securing a slot to speak to the Council, please email by Friday, February 24, 2023, to the day of the meeting with (1) your name, (2) your email address, and (3) the agenda item your comment will address. PDAB staff will reach out to you directly to confirm your reservation or provide additional details.

The Stakeholder Council also provides the public with the opportunity to provide written comments, which may be submitted via at any time. PDAB staff will provide the comments to the Council at regular intervals and prior to each meeting. Additional presentation materials will be uploaded and posted here as they are received.

The Prescription Drug Affordability Stakeholder Council regularly meets on the fourth Monday of every other month. The Stakeholder Council may add additional meetings or adjust its schedule as necessary. Any changes to the Council's schedule will be posted to this website and shared via our mailing list. Below is the regular meeting schedule for the Stakeholder Council for Calendar Year 2023:

  • February 27, 2023
  • April 24, 2023
  • June 26, 2023
  • August 28, 2023
  • October 23, 2023
  • December 18, 2023